Thursday, December 11, 2008


that is what describes my life lately. everything is so annoying. people. friends. parents. school. its so much stress! luckily i only have 5 days left of this semester. and next semester will be a breeze! woo!

i cant wait to graduate. i want to move out to USCB soo badly! although i have no idea what i want to do, im sure ill figure it out soon enough. im thinking something with psychology. so i can help people :)

oh welllll.. its a rainy day today. kinda icky.

but its really late, and i havent even started on any homework, or studied for any tests.

story of my life.

1 comment:

  1. hey stephanie i love love love you forever (:
    wooooo !
    im sittin next to you haha.
